
Executive Functioning Coaching

Does your child have difficulty keeping track or materials or understanding multi-step directions?

Or, does your child work really hard in school and still not pass the test?

What if your child isn’t lazy?

What if your child just needs more effective tools in their toolbox to excel in school and life?

Executive functioning is the name given to a group of complex mental processes and cognitive abilities. These are the skills that allow individuals to manage thoughts, actions, and emotions in order to accomplish tasks. Executive functioning skills include planning activities, managing time, and organizing materials. They also include functions such as:

  • Remembering details
  • Paying attention
  • Switching focus
  • Self-regulation

Executive functioning coaching involves

  • Remedial instruction
  • Interventions
  • Strategies

in areas such as

  • Task initiation and completion
  • Studying for tests
  • Schedule planning
  • Keeping track of materials

The goal of executive functioning coaching is to help the individual  be successful in the classroom and beyond, as well as to learn to advocate for his or her needs.






Educational Coaching & Consultation

Do you feel immense satisfaction when a student has that “I get it” moment?”

Do you feel you could help a student excel further if you had more time 1:1 with the student?

Do you feel like you have more to offer students but are looking for opportunities beyond the traditional classroom?

Or, do you feel like it’s time to make a BIG change and own more of your own time? 

What if you could build a practice out of supporting individual students academically either part-time or full-time?

Would you be willing to investigate and learn more about what it takes to be successful on your own? 

Michelle has is an experienced educator who has worked with students, educators, and families on creating plans to address concerns and monitor student progress.  She helps experienced educators take bold steps to create tutoring and educational support businesses that thrive. 

Michelle can help with:

Refining areas of expertise 

Identifying ideal clients

Establishing protocols and procedures 

Case Consultation
